Bai Weigi

Young percussionist in Germany, percussion teacher at the Orchestra Department of the Central Conservatory of Music, chief timpani of the Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, guest timpani chief of the National Theatre Orchestra, and winner of the 68th ARD International Music Competition in Munich, Germany. I have studied at Central Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School, Central Conservatory of Music, and Hans Eisler Conservatory in Berlin, Germany. I have successively studied under Professor Sun Jianhua, a performer from the Chifeng Song and Dance Troupe, Professor Shami, a percussion performer from the Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra, Professor Li Biao, a renowned percussion performer, Professor Rainer Seegers, the chief timpani of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Professor Franz Schindlbeck, the percussion chief of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and Professor Sanja Fister from the Hans Eisler School of Music in Berlin.

During his stay in Germany, he was influenced by the German Austrian cultural background and had unique insights into both solo and symphonic percussion performances. The performance style is rigorous and full of liberalism. Bai Weiqi is the recipient of the highest performer's diploma (doctoral) at the Hans Eisler Conservatory in Germany. During his studies, he repeatedly won awards both domestically and internationally, and was also the recipient of the world's largest classical music event - the 68th ARD International Music Competition in Munich, Germany. This competition is known as the "Olympics" of percussion competitions and is the most prestigious and influential international event in the world. Bai Weiqi is the first Chinese person in nearly 70 years to reach the final of the percussion event and win honors. As a percussionist, he is active in various concerts, art exhibitions, and public welfare performances, and has held solo concerts multiple times. The performances include the Berlin Philharmonic Concert Hall, the Berlin University of the Arts Concert Hall, the German Opera House, the Konzerthaus Concert Hall in Berlin, the Herkulesaal Concert Hall in Munich, the Berlin Conservatory of Music Concert Hall, the Prinzregentheater Regent's Theatre, the Munich Conservatory of Music Concert Hall, and more. Bai Weiqi not only participated in various performances such as classical symphony and chamber music, but also emphasized the promotion of modern music activities, and has rich experience in new music performance. Such as the German Opera House Modern Opera Development Project, the Excellence Concert initiated by renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim, the Berlin Conservatory of Music New Music Production Project, and collaborations with renowned conductors Christian Ehwald and Maunel Nawri. As a percussion soloist, Bai Weiqi maintains good relationships with numerous domestic and foreign orchestras. He has collaborated with well-known orchestras such as the Munich Bavarian Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, the National Grand Theatre Orchestra, the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, and the Ningbo Symphony Orchestra multiple times, and has been widely praised for his precise understanding of music, delicate and vivid performance style, and strong infectious power. 

旅德青年打击乐演奏家,中央音乐学院管弦系打击乐教师,中央音乐学院交响乐团定音鼓首席,国家大剧院管弦乐团客座定音鼓首席,德国慕尼黑第68届ARD国际音乐大赛获奖者。先后就读于中央音乐学院附中、中央音乐学院、德国柏林汉斯艾斯勒音乐学院。先后师从于赤峰歌舞团演奏家孙建华老师、中国爱乐乐团打击乐演奏家沙米老师、著名打击乐演奏家李飚教授、柏林爱乐乐团定音鼓首席 Rainer Seegers莱纳·西盖斯教授、柏林爱乐乐团打击乐首席Franz Schindlbeck弗朗斯·辛德⻉克教授、柏林汉斯艾斯勒音乐学院Sanja Fister桑尼亚·菲斯塔教授。
留德期间,他受德奥文化背景影响,无论是独奏打击乐还是交响乐打击乐的演奏都有着独特的见解。演奏风格严谨而富有自由主义。白伟岐是德国汉斯·艾斯勒音乐学院最高演奏家文凭 (博士)获得者。在学习期间,他屡屡斩获各大国内外奖项,同时也是全球规模最大的古典音乐盛事——德国慕尼黑第68届ARD 国际音乐大赛的获奖者。此比赛被誉为打击乐比赛的“奥林匹克”,是世界上最具含金量与影响力的国际赛事。白伟岐是比赛近70年来首位进入打击乐项目决赛并摘取荣誉的华人。作为打击乐演奏家,他活跃于各大音乐会、艺术展览与公益演出,曾多次举办独奏音乐会。演出足迹包括柏林爱乐音乐厅、柏林艺术大学音乐厅、德意志歌剧院、柏林Konzerthaus音乐厅、慕尼黑Herkulesaal音乐厅、柏林音乐学院音乐厅、Prinzregententheater摄政王剧院、慕尼黑音乐学院音乐厅等。白伟岐不但参与古典交响乐、室内乐等各类演出,同时也注重现代音乐活动的推广,在新音乐演奏方面也有着丰富的经验。如德意志歌剧院现代歌剧发展项目、由著名指挥家Daniel Barenboim丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆发起的Excellence卓越者音乐会、柏林音乐学院新音乐制作项目并与著名指挥家Christian Ehwald、Maunel Nawri合作。作为打击乐独奏家,白伟岐与众多国内外管弦乐团保持着良好的关系,曾多次与慕尼黑巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、国家大剧院管弦乐团、苏州交响乐团、宁波交响乐团等知名乐团合作,以其对音乐精准的理解,细腻生动的演奏风格和强烈的感染力广受赞誉。