Up:Strike Project

The Up:Strike Project embodies the nature of the integral movement in percussion: “up” and “strike”. Founded by two Hong Kong-based percussionists, Karen Yu and Dr. Matthew Lau, the diverse and flexible group welcomes percussionists and musicians from all levels, and consistently engages young and emerging percussionists to work together. By bringing professional and emerging percussionists together, presenting and championing a diverse mix of percussion music, and supporting the future leaders of percussive arts, The Up:Strike Project endeavors to strike and stand out as the pioneer of the ever-changing art form in percussion and contemporary music. Up:Strike maintains a frequent performing schedule in Hong Kong, including the 2022 & 2023 New Vision Arts Festival Hong Kong, 2023 Percussive Arts Society International Convention (USA), and various venues in Hong Kong.

Devoted to bringing changes to the community, The Up:Strike Project seeks to diversify the percussion repertoire with artistic excellence through collaborations with artists and composers, at the same time, embracing the implication of identity in music-making. 

The Up:Strike Project 一名源於演奏敲擊樂的動作:提起、敲打,由兩位在香港土生土長的敲擊樂手余林和劉語博士創辦。The Up:Strike Project 是一個充滿活力的藝術團體,與年青和新晉樂手合作,希望來自不同背景的敲擊樂手和音樂家能共冶一爐。海納百川,有容乃大,敲擊樂和當代音樂作品種類如百花齊放,The Up:Strike Project 作為樂界的先驅,致力於匯聚專業和新晉樂手,演出不同類型的作品,培養敲擊樂的新一代。

為了提升敲擊樂的藝術水平,The Up:Strike Project 演出多元化的作品,希望能擴闊觀眾層,令更多人享受敲擊樂的樂趣,為敲擊樂界揭開新一頁